01707 323038

Creswick Primary School

Confident Learners for Life

Creswick Primary School

Welcome from the Headship Team

Pupil Premium

The key objective of our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement is to narrow the attainment gap between children who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and those who do not.  Through targeted interventions, we are working to eliminate barriers to learning and progress.  For children who are entitled to the Pupil Premium Grant, we aim that they will make positive progress throughout the curriculum.  We have analysed our data thoroughly, examined the impact of current interventions and have made use of a range of research to inform our decision-making. 

Our school improvement plan this year is focused on five key targets:

  • To ensure consistently high quality teaching across the school
  • To improve attendance and punctuality
  • To increase the percentage of children reaching age related expectations
  • To support children with social and emotional challenges to feel safe and able to learn
  • To improve parental engagement

If you would like to contact us regarding the pupil premium strategy, please feel free to email admin@creswick.herts.sch.uk