01707 323038

Creswick Primary School

Confident Learners for Life

Creswick Primary School

Welcome from the Headship Team

Creswick Camp 


Creswick offers holiday provision. Mr Smith and team will be providing sport, activities, arts & crafts etc, each day.

Sessions will be advertised ahead of each holiday to enable families to book in advance.

Sessions will run from 8.30am - 3.30pm and will be available for four days per week. The daily rate is £30.00. Four days are available at a reduced rate of £100.00

A packed lunch and adequate drinks need to be brought from home each day.

Please complete and submit the contract form below. The admin team will then add you to the school booking and payment sessions so you can book all future sessions, as and when you need them. Sessions should be booked through the Arbor Portal.

Creswick Club contract terms and hard copy of the contract are available here.

If you wish to send the form electronically, please scroll down and use the online form below.

Timetable for available sessions can be found here.

Meet the Creswick Camp Team

Mr Smith, Holiday Camp Director

Mrs Buena and Mrs Brennan, Activity Leaders

Creswick Camp - Holiday Provision Contract

Please complete and submit this contract to be added to the booking and payment system for Creswick Camp.